Our Distinctives
There are many theologically sound and biblically orthodox churches in New Braunfels that we would affirm, endorse, and partner alongside. So what is unique about The Garden Church? Here are some of the distinct values that the Lord has given us that we are committed to.
Gospel Centrality – We believe that the good news of Jesus is fundamental, powerful, and necessary for all people – Christians and unbelievers alike. Therefore, everything we do is done to teach the gospel and remind us of the gospel – every sermon, every worship set, every gathering, every children’s class, every outreach.
Expository Sermons – We believe that the Bible is fully inspired, completely true, relevant, sufficient, and without error. Therefore, we open up God’s Word every Sunday and preach verse by verse through books of the Bible trusting that the Scriptures will inform and transform us.
50% Giving – We believe that the local church is not only God’s equipping ground for His people, but is also the expression of God’s love for the world. Therefore, we model generosity by giving away half of our donations to take care of our members, bless our community, and advance the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Believer’s Baptism – We believe that baptism is symbolic of an individual’s union with Jesus, passing from spiritual death to new life in Christ. Therefore, we baptize, by full immersion, those who have made a reasonable profession of faith, understanding their sin and need for a Savior.
Complementarianism – We believe that men and women are created absolutely equal in value and dignity, but are divinely distinct in their design. Biblically, men and women have different, yet complementary, roles in the home and in the church. Therefore, we believe that all believers are to serve and lead in their local church, but only qualified men can occupy the biblical office of elder.
Plurality of Elders – We believe that the terms ‘pastor’ and ‘elder’ are used interchangeably and that pastors are appointed to lead, feed, and protect the church of God. Therefore, as the Lord adds qualified men to our congregation, we will be governed by an eldership board.
Our Mission
We are disciples of Christ, rooted in the Word of God, growing to be more like Jesus, and making an impact on one another, our community, and the nations.